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Error: require() of ES Module ... not supported

  1. If you are an ESM project (i.e., "type": "module" in package.json),
  2. If you are using commitlint version (> 18),
    • For example, configuring extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional'],
    • Please upgrade cz-git or czg to the latest version.

Can I customize the message format ?

  1. The configuration contains most of the message format fine-tuning requirements, such as changing the emoji position with emojiAlign.
  2. formatMessageCB: It is the final format callback function. You can configure it to achieve the message format you need.

Configure load not as expected

Run the command to check the path of the configuration load

# commitizen cli
# czg cli
CZ_DEBUG=1 czg
# commitizen cli
# czg cli
CZ_DEBUG=1 czg

Opening a like vim editor in git hooks mode

The prepare-commit-msg githook opens an editor after the commit message has been prepared => githooks man

  1. Changing the default editor from vi to cat
    git config --local core.editor cat
    git config --local core.editor cat
  2. Adding package scripts initialization script prepare or pnpm's postinstall to assist other contributors with initialization
      "scripts": {
    -    "prepare": "husky install"
    +    "prepare": "husky install && git config --local core.editor cat"
      "scripts": {
    -    "prepare": "husky install"
    +    "prepare": "husky install && git config --local core.editor cat"

Cannot find the command after global install

  • Enter the command npm prefix -g to check whether the bin folder path of npm's global download is added to the system environment variable $PATH.
  • Most likely because using nvm changed the npm global download path prefix, but the system environment variable was not recorded.

Terminal cannot display Emoji symbols

  • The terminal cannot Emoji symbols, the high probability is because your terminal has poor support for emoji/unicode characters, but it does not affect the submission Because the final output is submitted by Emoji Code, you can consider changing the terminal and font

What is different between cz-git and czg

See more Why czg

  • If you using cz or git cz command will start commitizen CLI + cz-git adapter
  • If you using czg or git czg command will only start czg CLI

I just try my best to make thing well, Could you give a star ⭐